Zimmermann Norm- und Verbindungstechnik GmbH

deutsch Willkommen zu unserem

english Onlineshop


Leading international trade fair for the process industry

Opening hours:
10.06 to 13.06.2024: 9.00 am to 18.00 pm
14.06.2024: 9.00 am to 16.00 pm


Our contacts at the fair:
10.06 to13.06.2024
Mr. Rossmann, Outside Sales Representative (Germany)
10.06 to12.06.2024
Ms. Ensch, Teamleader Distributor Sales (Germany)
12.06 to14.06.2024
Mr. Kofke, Outside Sales Representative (Germany)
11.06 to14.06.2024
Mr. Voppichler, Teamleader Distributor Sales (Germany)

Trade show period
06/10/24 - 06/14/24

Otto Ganter GmbH & Co. KG

Trade show stand
Hall 11.0, Booth C 35

Trade show venue
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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